Episode Rundown
Start Time: 15:03
Suburban Slam Poetry Championships
Start Time: 22:00
A song of ice and dryers
Twitter Highlights
Dress rehearsal for tonight… @johnmoe @NekoCase @robdelaney on stage and ready to rock our #wits pic.twitter.com/a60zpzmrkD
— Wits (@wits) May 10, 2013
Dude. pic.twitter.com/MdhrVs5rMW
— Neko Case (@NekoCase) May 10, 2013
#wits artists in camera lens are closer than they appear pic.twitter.com/ArR0OJYOHL
— Julia Schrenkler (@juliaschrenkler) May 11, 2013
Augh! @wits DJ is playing "Skyway" by The Replacements during intermission! May not make it to 2nd act from the weeping xoxox
— Kelly Hogan (@hoganhere) May 11, 2013
Fave part of #Wits in rapidfire questions: Moe asked Neko & Kelly, 'Ryan Adams or Bryan Adams.' Neko said Bryan. Kelly said Adam Ant.
— C. Riemenschneider (@ChrisRstrib) May 11, 2013
In case you were wondering, yes, @NekoCase can SLAY an Iron Maiden song. "Number of the Beast" for the #wits sing-along. Wicked.
— Local Current (@LocalCurrent) May 11, 2013
#wits show post-Maiden with @robdelaney, Neko Case, John Munson, and John Moe. @ Fitzgerald Theater http://t.co/DWf4sLc5ty
— Dave Hill (@mrdavehill) May 11, 2013